Thursday, June 10, 2010

Delicious Strawberries and the Strawberry Swap

I've been collecting some things Pixie Dust's upcoming strawberry swap. But I can't show them yet. I have been matched up with a very nice blogger in a North Eastern state. I've been busy stalking her blog and trying to understand what she may like! I already picked out a few strawberry items and have a few things set aside for a project which I will reveal later. Perhaps she may like some recipes that call for strawberries.

This photo is just a shot I took this afternoon after my trip to the Food CoOp. The berries are freshly picked from the area. They are the juiciest and sweetest I've had in a long time.

Now, to decide what I need to make with these... I've been thinking of either a frozen ice cream style torte, or some meringues with a strawberry sauce.

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